
I’ve only just remembered that I said I’d break things down in future posts and here’s me rambling about ex’s.

Well, now that I’ve sort of covered my breakup I guess I’ll move on to the health scares.

Recently found me in the big old cancer situation and honestly it scared the fucking shit out of me.

So from the beginning… It started with the whole irregular periods, go doctors and to be honest I just thought they had been playing up because of contraception I had been on. I was referred for a scan and my days, it was annoying. turned up at 12:30pm for my appointment at 1:00pm, needed a full bladder so I drunk LOADS to the point where I honestly thought I was going to piss myself lol. Get inside the room and she says “sorry, your bladder isn’t full enough” Typical! Tells me to drink 3 glasses of water and go back in 20 minutes… which I did… still wasn’t full enough… YUP. third time a charm! YES! finally… I tried asking her if she could see anything out of the ordinary but she became quite skittish and just told me I’d need to speak with my doctor when they send the results back. IT TOOK 2 FUCKING WEEKS! Only for me to get to my doctors to be told I have cysts on my left ovary, there are a few fluid filled ones but the main concern was the solid cyst. He came out with the worse case scenario would be it’s cancerous and I honestly don’t know how I kept it together the whole time in there, I came out with blood work papers, made an appointment for a blood test. then my friend just looked at me and instantly knew something wasn’t right and that’s when I just broke down. I have a daughter and that was all I could think about, how on earth would I explain to her? shes 5… My mum had to have a hysterectomy for ovarian cancer, so my chances weren’t amazing… shes passed away now and I tell my daughter that grandma lives in the sky with the stars, how am I meant to tell her I’d be going there too? well, one blood test later and another week for results, there’s no cancer cells as of yet. so hallelujah!

Obviously, I still need to get further checks but all is good.

Anyways 2 posts in one day is quite enough talking (well typing) for me.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and has an amazing new year



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